An in-depth review of the real estate market shows who is most interested in real estate and who makes deals at the end.
he real estate portal conducted an in-depth analysis of the market, 1000 people took part of it. As a result, it turned out who of the respondents are the most active visitors to real estate portals, which target group has the greatest desire to rent an apartment, and who ultimately completes the purchase and sale transaction.
1. Women are more interested in ads on real estate portals: 32% of the women surveyed and only 26% of men said that they use real estate portals to collect information.
2. Estonians among portal visitors – 36%, non-Estonians – 14%.
3. Most of the portal visitors are in the age group of 18–25 years (48% of respondents), followed by 26–35-year-olds (21%). The smallest number of portal visitors are people aged 36-49 years (14%).
4. Most of all portal visitors are people with an income of 501-800 € (34%). The smallest group (22%) has an income of up to 500 €. The wealthiest, with an income of more than 1200 € per month, are far from the most active visitors (23%).